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Sei un Crossfitter?

Ti piace la sensazione di sacrificio durante i workout?

Vuoi nuovi stimoli per il tuo allenamento?

Ecco un elenco dei Crossfit Wod più impegnativi, i cosiddetti Benchmark, quelli che oltre a metterti a dura prova ti daranno la possibilità di testare e confrontare il tuo livello di fitness con i migliori Crossfitter di tutto il mondo.

AmandaFor Time9/7/5 Reps
Ring Muscle Ups
Squat Snatch 61/43 Kg
AngieFor Time100 Pull up
100 Push up
100 Sit up
100 Air squat
AnnieFor Time50/40/30/20/10
Double Unders
Sit up
Barbara5 Round for Time20 Pull Up
30 Push up
40 Sit up
50 Air squat
3 Minutes rest
BaselineFor Time500m Row
40 Air squat
30 Sit up
20 Push up
10 Pull up
Bear Complex5 Round For LoadComplete 7 Unbroken sets of:
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Press
1 Back Squat
1 Push Press
Betty 5 Rounds for time12 Push Press 61/43 Kg
20 Box jump 60/50 cm
Chelsea30′ Emom5 Pull up
10 Push up
15 Air squat
Christine3 Rounds for time500m Row
12 Deadlift Bodyweight
21 box jump 60/50cm
Cindy20′ Amrap5 Pull up
10 Push Up
15 Sit up
DianeFor Time21/15/9
Deadlift 100/70 Kg
Handstand Push
ElizabethFor Time21/15/9
Clean 61/43 kg
Ring dip
Eva5 Rounds for time800m Run
30 American Swing 32/24 Kg
30 Pull Up
Fight Gone Bad3 Round For total Reps in 17 Minutes1 minute Wall ball /9/6 kg
1 minute Sumo Deadlift High-Pull 35/30 Kg
1 minute Box Jump 60/50
1 minute Push Press 35/30 Kg
1 minute Calories Row
1 minute Rest
FranFor Time21/15/9
Thruster 43/30 Kg
Pull Up
GraceFor Time30 Clean&Jerk 61/43 kg
Grettel10 Rounds for time10 Round For Time
3 Clean&Jerk  61/43kg
3 Burpees over Bar
Helen3 Rounds for time400mt run
21 American Swing 32/24 kg
12 Pull up
IsabelFor Time30 Snatch 61/43 kg
JackieFor Time1000m Row
50 thruster 20/15 kg
30 Pull up
KarenFor Time150 Wall ball 9/6 kg
LindaFor Time10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1
Deadlift 1,5 Body Weight
Bench Press Bodyweight
Clean ¾ Bodyweight
Mary20′ Amrap5 Handstand Push up
10 Pistol Squat
15 Pull Up
Nancy5 Rounds for time400m Run
15 Overhead Squat 43/30Kg
Nasty3 Rounds for time50 Air Squat
7 Ring Muscle Up
10 Hang Power clean 61/43
Nicole20′ Amrap400 Run
Max rep Pull up
The ChiefAmrap 3 minutes
1 minutes rest btw\set
3 Power clean
6 Push-up
9 Air squat
1 minutes rest btw\set

Coaching On Line, Fitness e Nutrizione
